Eleen is a Scorpio baby born on 10 Nov 1987. She has a liking for 5566, Yellow, Rabbit, Reading, Music, Gu Zheng, Browsing the Net & Blogging. She dislikes Crowded Places, Hot Weathers, Lizards & Hypocrites.

微微是在11月10日诞生的天蝎宝宝。 她不太爱笑, 容易发胖=(, 爱发呆, 脾气有时不是很好。 她喜欢5566,黄色, 小白兔, 看书, 听音乐, 古筝, 上网和玩部落格。 她最讨厌人超多的地方, 炎日的天气, 恶心的壁虎和双面人。


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Sunday, April 29, 2007


今天全家人到外头去吃晚餐。 =) 一家人偶尔这样聚一聚, 感觉很不错! 火锅的料也很丰盛, 吃得好饱。
哈哈! 吃得好干净哦! =) 一点都没剩!
在车上玩手机的相机。 上传和大家分享吧! =) 左边的当然是我啦。 中间的是我的小弟。 右边的是我另个弟弟。 =)

昨 天在看一部满久以前的电影。 是郑伊健和陈晓春主演的。 叫做“古惑仔”。 电影是从漫画改编的, 描述的是香港的黑社会。 电影一共有六部吧, 故事都是连接的。 在这里推荐给大家。其实好几年前我就看过电影的第一部了, 不过重新再看一遍, 还是很有感觉。 =) 电影主要吸引我的原因是: 郑伊健在电影里虽然是黑道的老大, 但是他却是个讲义气, 重友情的人。 在黑社会混, 打打杀杀是难免的, 但他不会无缘无故去杀人。 背景音乐也换成电影的插曲了。 =)

Saturday, April 28, 2007


自 闭的定义是什么? 我想就是指一个人不和外界有任何的接触吧? 我喜欢自己一个人的感觉。 不喜欢去人多热闹的地方, 尤其是有很多我不认识的人。 我不喜欢交友。 与人沟通, 我喜欢藏在银光幕后。 通过MSN或甚至是手机简讯, 我会觉得比较自在。 也不知道为什么, 事会觉得那样比较安全吗? 因为可以伪装自己, 把要呈现的一面完美地呈现给对方。就因为这样, 我想我适合一个人。 以前曾经看过一部电影, 里面有个小女孩因为被关在一个空间里太久没与人说话, 后来就这样变成哑巴了, 说不出话来。 我想如果这个世界真的变成很科技化。 我们要做什么都不必要开口, 那所有的人都会变成哑巴吗? 我们根本不用去担心什么社交。 长大以后, 我就不喜欢交友。 不喜欢换新的环境, 什么都要重新来过的感觉, 我不喜欢。 因为我会在意别人是怎样看我。 或许是我感到自卑吧... 也可能是我不懂得怎么去和人相处吧! 有时就像活在自己的世界里。 有个朋友就形容我像飘魂一样, 无声无息的就会飘来飘去。 也有人说我不常笑。 不笑的时候, 样子看起来很凶, 很不友善, 很难让人亲近。 我想也是吧, 从我那小小的朋友圈就可以看出来。 但是相反的, 就因为我不常笑, 当我真的开怀大笑的时候, 不就代表我是真的诚心的想笑吗?? 至少我是这么觉得的。 人们不是常常说, 不要去为了环境去改变自己吗? 因为那样就不是你了啊? 还是, 那说法是不对的? 我们要在适当的环境里, 去适当的改变自己, 这样才是对的呢? 我真的不知道...

Friday, April 27, 2007


Haha.. have been M.I.A for quite some time... since last Sunday i think...

Been trying to study and going for tuition for the pass few days...

Exams coming real soon.... Haiz...

Oh ya i just watched the new korean movie, 200 Pounds Beauty yesterday..

Its really nice... but some parts of the movie seems weird to me:

firstly why did the guy told Ammy that He thinks Hanna is fat and ugly but he has to be nice to her coz they need her to do the backup singing..

and then following that he says that Hanna is special to him??

Haiz... issit coz people will change with time or wat?

But overall a nice movie, n i especially love the song - Maria =) Oh n also that slow song in the background when Jenny confessed on her concert that she is Hanna.. that song's nice too...

P.S. just changed the background song as well.. its Elton John's Your Song.. =) I hope you all like it..=) coz i personally love it alot... hehe...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

In Loving Memory of 小胖

My mum told me that 小胖 passed away today.....

小胖 you'll always be in my heart!! I'll always remember you......... =(

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Issit me and my busybodyness?!

Remember this poor rabbit outside my house? Well as you all know it has been taken away. Not quite long ago, some one from HRSS called me, informing me that they forwarded my email to AVA and it was they who took away the rabbit. But.... here's the sad sad news, the person from HRSS called to ask me whether i'm able to take in the rabbit in my house as a forster home for it, before they find a suitable owner for it. Because if they can't find a home for it, and given that they don't have space for it as well in SPCA.. they would have to put it to SLEEP!!! Arghhh... i mean maybe its just me being busybody contacting the HRSS and telling them about the rabbit.. if not it might still be living just outside my house now... instead of facing the fate of death!!! =( I wanted to keep it but my mum doesn't allow. But she says can put it at the tuition centre she is working... there use to be another rabbit there.. but its now sick so staying at the Vet's. But what the person from HRSS told me is true also.. tuition centre=lots of irriating bunch of kids=noise pollution=stress for the rabbit... Haiz.. i mean in the 1st place if i didn't write that email to them.. will the rabbit then be better off..? i could at least bring food for it everyday.. better than now.. it facing a fate of being put to sleep if no one offers it a froster home... i'm feeling so sad and depressed.. i hope that at least they would put the rabbit at the tuition centre instead of putting it to sleep!!!! =( I SWEAR next time i'm going to have a house of my own and i could keep/adopt my own rabbits!!! every one more rabbit that i keep means one less rabbit will be abandoned on the streets!!! =(

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hiemm Tuition Services

Tutors out there looking for students?

Parents out there looking for qualified tutors to coach your child?

Visit our website at

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How can humans be so cruel?!

In these two pictures are the poor skinny rabbit that is supposedly under the 'care' of my neighbour opposite my unit... Firstly, although i don't keep pets myself, any normal human being will know that they have to keep the animal's cage clear.. that means clearing the litter and urine.. and also giving it food to eat right?! This poor rabbit is living in a dirty cage , thats one pt... the 2nd point is that the cage is RUSTY!!! And know what, i sometimes say a piece of bread inside the cage! i mean when does rabbits eat bread?! then sometimes a piece of rotton carrot?!

Question: Is bread a good treat for my rabbit?
Answer: No, the starch in bread could cause digestive problems.
See this is what i got from a website

I mean for goodness sake if u can't take proper care of a pet don't keep it in the first place!!! And then tt neighbour's children keeps hamsters as well.. and i doubt their hamsters are well treated too... my mum say those idotic daughters literally squeezing the hamsters I don't know for wat also.. and then screaming at the top of their lungs... Ok tt incident happened last saturday.. and i at home trying to study n get some stuff into my head!!! They make me so ANGRY that i went to open the door n shouted at them to SHUT THEIR GAP UP!!! i mean those they even have a sense of shame? they just reflect how 'well' their parents have taught them!!!

So on Sunday night i sent an email to SPCA and also HRSS.. attached with a picture of the rabbit.. hoping that they would investigate the matter and perhaps bring the poor rabbit to a better home! This morning i got an email reply from SPCA...

Dear Eleen

Thank you for your emal about the poor conditions the rabbit is kept under near your unit. We will be investigating very soon. Our Inspector, Jai will then revert back to you by telephone on the outcome. For your reference his number is 62875355 ext. 26 (he is not on email).
Many thanks for your concern for the animal which we appreciate.

Yours sincerely,
Deirdre Moss (Ms.)
Executive Officer

I hope that they would investigate very very soon and bring the poor rabbit out of its misery...=( thats all i wanna share today...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

5566 最新造型!

5566的最新造型! 帅吧! =)



我可是非常期待的呢! !

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I must Study!!!

I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!I must study!

Yes trying to hypothise myself....

Just got home from tuition..

went popular to purchase some more assignments and exam papers for my students...

How i wish i'm just sitting for their paper can?! Arghh...

Thursday, April 12, 2007



是每当自己心情不好的时候, 总是希望会有人来安慰自己。


是每当想哭的时候, 总是希望有人会把肩膀借给我靠以下。

是每当自己很烦恼苦闷的时候, 很想有人会静静地在一傍准备聆听, 就算只是静静的倍着也好。

是每当自己快乐的时候, 希望有人能和你一起分享那份喜悦。


心理测验说我比较适合单身。 是这样吗??

不喜欢社交, 所以要好的朋友用几根手指头数就够了。

每当自己想哭的时候, 就只能一个人在房间里安慰自己...

想找人说说话的时候, 脑袋里一片空白... 或许是因为不想给别人带来困扰。

朋友也有自己的生活要过, 自己的烦恼要处理, 不是吗?

心里头闷闷的... 这应该就是寂寞的感觉吧。

天啊! 这将近二十年的人生... 我到底在干嘛?!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I wanna watch Spiderman!!!

I saw spiderman climbing across the wall today!!!

Wahaha... ya la... of course i must be joking...

Its just a figure on display at Cinelesiure...

Really looking forward to catch the movie when it comes out on 1st May...

But i guess i'll only be watching it after my exams the last paper on 22 May...

Saw the trailer today... kind of similar to the cartoon version that i watched many years ago..

where there is this black slimy substance tt somehow 'swallow' spiderman and he became the all black spiderman..

in the cartoon series i think there's the other bad spiderman.. i forgot his name.. haha...

hope that it will be a good ending for that movie as well..

went to watch Meet the Robinsons today.. nice movie!

"Keep Moving Ahead" !!! that's the motto i learn from the movie...

Somehow everyone knows that they should be doing that and not always look at the past.. but i guess for someone to actually suceed in doing that is difficult... =)

tts all for today... have to wake up early for class tml at 9am!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Trying to Survive IBM lecture...

This is how bored i'm during IBM lecture today.

Haha... still have time to practice my drawing skills..wahaha...

The london lecturer is just so boring!...

Compared to my local lecturer.. its just one heaven and one earth!!!

Tomorrow there's still one more such lecture to endure.

And the most irritating thing is that i travel all the way to school at 7pm at night just to attend that lecture!!!

By the time i reach home it's already close to 11pm!!!

Forget it... still have to endure for a few more days before this torturing revision classes are all over!!!

加油吧! 我一定可以的!=)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Countdown 31 Days!!!

Its been a while since i last blogged.

Was sick the past few days. Down with cough, slight fever and a block nose.

Feeling better already. Haha... been quite sometime since i got sick though.. =)

Yes my exams is really coming!!! Counting from today, 31 more Days!!!

Oh man... 该来的, 总是会来, 闪也闪不了, 躲也躲不过。

Have already drawn up a study plan that i seriously hope that i will FOLLOW!!!

Don't want to do badly for this examination!!!

Have been attending revision class for the past 2 weeks or so in school.

The most torturing part is to be attending classes on weekends and a public holiday! for goodness sake!!! Haiz...

Oh ya.. there's one incident that i wanted to blog about.. better say it now if not i'll forgot again.

Went to tuition on thursday.. the day where i didn't go to school coz i'm really feeling very sick. But tuition in the late afternoon i still decided to go. Ended tuition and i was waiting for the lift to come. I was at the 6th floor, the lift came and i didn't notice it was going up to the 10th floor.. ok so never mind since i'm inside the lift le.. upon reaching the 10th floor.. i see that no one is outside so i pressed the close button. Annoyingly... the door open again! ok don't think that its some spirits or ghost or whatever.. its 4.30pm in the afternoon ok!!! so i thought that its just some children outside that pressed the lift unintentionally... but it happened for the 2nd and 3rd time!! then at the sametime i heard STUPID IDOTIC laughters from outside... at tt time i'm just too sick to get out of the lift to see who was tt bunch of idotic ppl.. i shouted at them to stop their nonsence and pressed the close button again.. as the lift was going down i could still hear laughters and legs kicking the lift walls.. so i guess they were inside the next lift.. when the lift finally reached the 1st floor, i saw a group of malay sec sch girls... still being very ignorant to their surrounding.. laughing like a bunch of witches with their shrieking voices!!! I mean can't they go something better to do!!!! Irritating bunch of idiots!!!! Even till now as i'm typing and recalling the incident i'm still feeling very very angry!!!!! Haiz.. issit just me? if not how come i always find malay kids very "wild" ? u always see a bunch of them running and screaming at the top of their lungs at the void decks? of course i know not all of them are like that.. i also have malay friends myself and i also know some chinese kids are also like tt ok... its just like sterotyping... ok.. don't want to say anymore le... thats all for now........

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

small small world...=)

I just got home from tuition.

And i discovered that both my primary five students are from the same class!

Haha.. what a small small world we live in!

Hee.. reminds me of a song that i use to sing in music class in primary school.

Got Maths class tomorrow for the whole day.

Lets hope that it will be a useful session.

My signature... nice? Haha... the final outcome after the many changes that i made. =)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April's Fool!

Today is April's Fool Day

On my way home from school on the bus i recieved a message from my friend telling me that she is at the hospital and might have to go for an operation later.

When i saw the front part of the message, i didn't even notice that there is a second part to it can... and i immediately called her can...

then in the end i realise in the end that it is just an April Fool message!!!

Haiz.... so doesn't it imply that i'm stupid?! =(
